Relationship between bar passage and law school admissions factors
Programing Language:
Platform: Shiny
A shiny app that interactively highlights the positive relationship between a law school’s median undergraduate GPA, median LSAT score, and bar passage.
View App GitHub repo The bulk of the application resides in an app.R file, the contents of which are below:
library(tidyverse) library(plotly) library(shiny) library(DT) # function that creates scatterplot --------------- plot_rates <- function(df, select_year, eval, metric, select_school) { # create axis labels ------ # create named list of axis components and their labels as strings # then we will access string to create axis label axis_labels <- list('lsat50' = 'Median LSAT', 'uggpa50' = 'Median Undergraduate GPA', 'scaled_admissions' = 'LSAT / Undergrad GPA Combo (Standardized to mean of 0 and st.